c++ - Binary Tree Search - delete a node without child -

i have binary tree search, , try remove it's biggest number in tree. has crash while delete node without child. totally don't know why. here code. please me figure out it.

typedef struct node* ref;  struct node {     int info;     int  n;     ref left;     ref right; };  struct tree {     ref head;     int n; };  ref getnode(int k) {          ref = new node;     a->info = k;     a->left = null;     a->right = null;     a->n = 1;     return a; };  void add(int k, tree &t) {     if ( t.n>15000 )         return;      ref head = t.head;      if(!head)         t.head = getnode(k);     else         while( head )         {             if ( k > head->info)                 if ( head->right )                     head = head->right;                 else                 {                     cout<<"right ";                     ref temp = getnode(k);                     head->right = temp;                     break;                 }             else if ( k < head->info )                 if ( head->left )                     head = head->left;                 else                 {                     cout<<"left ";                     ref temp = getnode(k);                     head->left = temp;                     break;                 }             else             {                 cout<<"parent ";                 head->n ++;                 break;             }         }     t.n ++ ; };  void removemax ( tree &t ) {     ref head = t.head;     if( !head )         return;     while ( head )     {         if( head->right )             head = head->right;         else         {             if( !head->left )             {                 t.n -= head->n;                 delete head;                 head = null;                 break;             }             else             {                 t.n -= head->n;                 ref temp = head->left;                 *head = *head->left;                 delete temp;                 break;             }         }     } };  void print(ref head) {     if(!head)         return;     print(head->left);     cout<<head->info<<" "<<head<<" ";     print(head->right); } 

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