browser - android webview doesnt load facebook correctly -

my webview android browser doesnt load facebook page correctly. on native browser looks this:

enter image description here

but on webview this:

enter image description here

i can`t figure out reason, here code:

web = (webview) findviewbyid(;          web.getsettings().setloadwithoverviewmode(true);         web.getsettings().setjavascriptenabled(true);         web.getsettings().setpluginsenabled(true);         web.getsettings().setloadsimagesautomatically(true);         web.getsettings().setjavascriptcanopenwindowsautomatically(true);         web.getsettings().setcachemode(websettings.load_normal);         web.getsettings().setsupportzoom(true);         web.getsettings().setbuiltinzoomcontrols(true);  web.setnetworkavailable(true);          web.setwebchromeclient(new webchromeclient() {              public void onprogresschanged(webview web, int progress) {                  if (progress < 100                         && progressbar.getvisibility() == progressbar.gone                         && isconnected) {                     progressbar.setvisibility(progressbar.visible);                     textprogress.setvisibility(progressbar.visible);                 }                  if (progress < 100                         && progressbar.getvisibility() == progressbar.visible                         && textprogress.getvisibility() == progressbar.visible) {                      textprogress.settext(string.format(getresources()                             .getstring(r.string.browser_loading), progress));                 }                  if (progress >= 100) {                     progressbar.setvisibility(progressbar.gone);                     textprogress.setvisibility(progressbar.gone);                 }              }          });          if (isconnected) {              web.setwebviewclient(new webviewclient() {                  public void onpagestarted(webview view, string url, bitmap map) {                      return;                  }                  public boolean shouldoverrideurlloading(webview view, string url) {                     web.loadurl(url);                     return true;                  }                  public void onpagefinished(webview view, string url) {                  }              });              web.loadurl(url); 

please :)

try loading mobile website in webview link i.e

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