objective c - Nested comments in Xcode -

when write method bit complicated prefer add little comment block above as

/*--------------------------------------------------------------+ | when wrote this, god , understood doing | now, god knows +-------------------------------------------------------------*/ - (void) overlydifficultmethodtograsp { ... } 

is way comment out method code hit cmd + /? result in

///*--------------------------------------------------------------+ // | when wrote this, god , understood doing // | now, god knows // +-------------------------------------------------------------*/ //- (void) overlydifficultmethodtograsp { ... } //     

what is

/* /*--------------------------------------------------------------+  | when wrote this, god , understood doing  | now, god knows  +-------------------------------------------------------------*/ - (void) overlydifficultmethodtograsp { ... } */ 

which, can see, doesn't work...

why? think large chunks of // ugly!

this has not xcode, language (and compiler) you're using. can't have nested comment blocks in c or objective-c.

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