scheduled tasks - Java - thread Pool -

my scheduled thread pool--->

private static scheduledexecutorservice pendingcheckscheduler = executors.newscheduledthreadpool(1); 

thread 1--->

private scheduledfuture<?> pendingtranstatuscheckhandle=pendingcheckscheduler.scheduleatfixedrate(new pendingtranstatuscheck(),0,checkforpendingtrans,timeunit.seconds ); 


private scheduledfuture<?> forciblebatchclosehandle=pendingcheckscheduler.schedule(new forciblebatchclose(), waitforpendingtrans, timeunit.minutes); 

thread 1 executing every 10 seconds.thread 2 supposed start after 30 minutes.

thread 1 behaving expected thread2 expected start after 30 minutes,is starting after 1 hour.

does latency in thread1 contributing problem?if so,thread2 supposed givcen priority when thread 1 finishes considering have 1 thread in thread pool.why thread2 stretched long start after 1 hour?

i clueless , expect pointers.please me.

your concepts off, offsets conclusions. have one thread altogether, , 2 tasks scheduled run on 1 thread. can expect interference if repeated task executes long time, occupying thread.

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