ruby on rails - PostgreSQL full-text search: how do i scope it? -

mostly based on railscasts screencasts, #341.

i'm trying use postgresql full text search, , works, need scope it. search should go through objects object.state=='saved'.

in screencasts method search defined class method, can't use 'where' because 'where' returns array, , search method class method, error here. tried change way:

def test_search(query)  if query.present?   self.where("title @@ :q or text_for_test @@ :q", q:query)  else   scoped  end  end 


@tests=test.where(:state=>'saved') @tests.test_search(params[:query]) 

but rails throws undefined method error.

what else can scope search? or how fix error of attempt?

use textacular gem gives full-text search postgres.

you can use "basic_search" function given textacular similar how use named scopes.

test.basic_search('sonic').where(:status => 'saved')  test.where(:status => 'saved').basic_search('sonic') 

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