flex - Stop Flash Builder parsing XML file -

i'm editing xml file in flash builder 4.6, xml contains config data , embedded application.

flash builder shows long list of errors, errors linked project not file.

the errors things "1086: syntax error: expecting semicolon" , "1093: syntax error" shows file not valid actionscript.

they this, error on line 1:

error msg

is there way can stop parsing of file, it's asset , not supposed parsed.

there several compiler params can pass when compiling appliation, following link can visit - http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=anttasks_4.html.

on given link defined can provide config file link follows -

<mxmlc ... >     <load-config filename="${flex_home}/frameworks/flex-config.xml"/>     <source-path path-element="${flex_home}/frameworks"/> </mxmlc> 

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