typeahead - Having trouble to typeaheadjs -

i have used following script :

<input class="typeahead" type="text" id = "input"> $('#input').typeahead([{name: 'name',remote: 'planets.json',}]); 

json file

{"name" : {"value" : ["4729", "siva", "prakash"]},"planets" : {"value" : ["mercury", "venus", "pluto"]}} 

while typing on input box , display 2 json array name value[name , plants]. anyway in code have mention name 'name' only. has return value 'name' json array ?

in planets.json name->value, or planets->value. init typeahead instead :

<input type="text" id="input" data-provide="typeahead">  $.getjson("planets.json", function(json) {    $('#input').typeahead({       source : json.name.value    }); }); 

or json.planets.value, if want planets

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