PHP datetime value not passing in as a argument -

i using datetime object in php range of dates

however unable pass in value of datetime object function.

when try assigning variable, variable empty

code belows

$date1 = new datetime('2013-04-11'); $test = $date1->settime($i, 59); echo $test; 

anyone idea how assign $date1 variable?

that returns datetime object doesn't have tostring method.

the above generate fatal error (you should enable errors):

catchable fatal error: object of class datetime not converted string in /code/khcgos on line 7

php catchable fatal error: object of class datetime not converted string in /code/khcgos on line 7

you should like:

echo $test->format('h:i:s d-m-y'); 

more info:

note: on production machine should have error reporting enabled, instead of displaying them should log them

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