java - Multiple Jpanel keylistener space -

i have frame contains 4 different panels contains music player on pressing space key start playing music while other 3 panels contains textfields , submit problem while typing text in of textfield it's taking input whenever try give space in textfield it's playing music instead of typing space in textfield.

i have frame contains 4 different panels contains music player on pressing space key start playing music while other 3 panels contains textfields , submit problem while typing text in of textfield it's taking input whenever try give space in textfield it's playing music instead of typing space in textfield.


the listener attached music panel , not else

  • add keybindings jframe (contains 4 jpanels)

  • output should swing action

  • override setenabled in swing action

  • add jcomponents (for users input only) array

  • add focuslistener or jcomponents (for users input only)

  • on focusgained a.m. jcomponent added array should changed

  • but how can reset isenabled(true) swing action, swing timer


  • not users friendly, quite impossible, wrong idea bunch side effects

  • wrong, wrong, wrong, can't determine keyshortcuts can used inputs chars jtextcomponents, jslider, jcombobox (autocomplete too), jtable iscelleditable(true)

  • space used accelerator jbutton (keybindings implemented in api) too, etc...

use jtogglebutton instead of jpanel,

  • has 2 states

  • can undecorated, looks jpanel (for example)

  • use icons, put there play (stop) icons, text, see there few times animated gif

  • space accelerator (on focusgained)

  • accesible mouseevents too

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