github - How to create a clean theme branch in git which only has one commit (and no pulls from upstream) -

forking prezto

i forked sorin-ionescu/prezto (upstream) github github account (nasenatmer/prezto) (origin), cloned locally , started configuring it, adding files, while committing , pushing changes github repo.

configuring local repo

among other things, modified prompt theme want give project , i'd create pull request`. learning github "using pull requests" , tutorial on, tried create theme branches, commit changes can forward them pull requests on github. however, in meantime, there updates in upstream.

so had following commit history: original checkout - - many "private commits" - - - pull upstream changes

creating theme repo

so in order create theme repo, created branch @ earliest clone upstream called pristine , won't customise myself. pulled upstream bring pristine up-to-date.

from point branched off prompt_jakob_setup (that's name of prompt file) , committed file it.

the problem of many commits

now, if go github start pull request theme branch, see two commits today: pulling in upstream , prompt commit.

i don't think maintainer accept such unprofessional pull request?

the question

what right way create clean themed branch has 1 commit want push upstream?

if don't want upstream merges want git rebase upstream master.

you can git pull --rebase upstream master. fetch before rebase sure date.

this move commits after commits happened on upstream repo. , not show commit message concerned about. if want change current repo want git reset --hard commit (undoing merge upstream) , proceed git rebase. if have pushed these changes own repo on github may have git push --force overwrite history. (i recommend against doing since repo, should ok.)

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