c# - How to improve Linq-To-Sql code -

using stackexchange.profiling.miniprofiler class profile asp.net mvc application linq-to-sql orm.

i'm trying reduce 1 action 1 sql, don't have duplicates anymore. changed linq-to-sql code accordingly, didn't have positive effect on speed.

then checked time needed sql.

this shows miniprofiler:

enter image description here

when fire exact same sql in management studio super fast:

enter image description here

here code:

from t in type let tdoc = (from d in context.documents             d.key == t.no             && d.rtype == (int)rtype.art             && d.atype == (int)atype.doc             select d).firstordefault(d => d.useforthumb) select new time {     id = t.id,     //... more simple mappings here     // complex one:     docscount = context.documents.count(d =>         (d.key == t.id.tostring()         && d.rtype == (int)rtype.type         && d.atype == (int)atype.doc)         ||         (d.key == t.no         && d.rtype == (int)rtype.art         && d.atype == (int)atype.doc)),      // , 1     thumbid = (tdoc != null && tdoc.frkey.hasvalue) ? tdoc.frkey.value : 0 }; 

what can reason huge difference? - edit: there no difference, misenterpreted ssms :(

anyway, problem persits. change make faster?

i read sometime mapping linq-to-sql has performance problem. there way workaround this?

i did trial , error , changed linq-to-sql code this:

from t in types let docs = context.documents.where(d => (d.rkey == t.id.tostring()                                      && d.rtype == (int)rtype.type                                      && d.atype == (int)atype.doc)                                    ||                                         (d.rkey == t.no                                       && d.rtype == (int)rtype.art                                       && d.atype == (int)atype.doc)) let tdoc = docs.firstordefault(d => d.rtype == (int)rtype.art && d.useforthumb) let docscount = docs.count() select new time {                                                  id = t.id,   //... more simple mappings here   docscount = docscount,   thumbid = (tdoc != null && tdoc.frkey.hasvalue) ? tdoc.frkey.value : 0, } 

this made query much, faster.

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