queue - Beanstalkd / Pheanstalk - Cant get it working at all! (WAMP/PHP/LARAVEL) -
so im trying pheanstalk queue working in laravel 4, built in (i had composer instal beanstalkd lib).
now thats done... im trying send jobs workers. everytime error
[2013-04-25 08:55:03] log.error: exception 'symfony\component\debug\exception\fatalerrorexception' message 'error: maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in c:\wamp\www\adam\l4\vendor\pda\pheanstalk\classes\pheanstalk\socket\streamfunctions.php line 55' in c:\wamp\www\adam\l4\vendor\pda\pheanstalk\classes\pheanstalk\socket\streamfunctions.php:55 stack trace: #0 c:\wamp\www\adam\l4\bootstrap\compiled.php(5006): symfony\component\debug\errorhandler->handlefatal() #1 [internal function]: illuminate\exception\exceptionserviceprovider->illuminate\exception\{closure}() #2 {main} [] []
i error in log:
exception 'errorexception' message 'catchable fatal error: argument 1 passed illuminate\queue\jobs\job::resolveandfire() must of type array, null given
which seems looped run 'php artisan queue:listen'.
i have downloaded console beanstalkd , configure listen server localhost:11300.
which gives me error: unhandled response.
i have changed httpd.conf , added listen 11300 , restarted.
any ideas im going wrong? cant see docs beanstalkd , laravel docs dont either.
thanks ideas!
sorry beanstalkd
not available on windows