ios - UISlider customization: how to properly add shadow to custom knob image -

i need place custom knob image shadow uislider. far have image of 38x38, of there region defines shadow of knob.

knob image@2x

now while using image, when slide knob extreme ends actual knob not able cover end points, hence end points visible under transparent region of knob image

knob @ extreme end

this code using customize uislider

uiimage *slidebtimg = [uiimage imagenamed:sliderknobimg];
[self.ratingslider setthumbimage:slidebtimg forstate:uicontrolstatenormal];
[self.ratingslider setthumbimage:slidebtimg forstate:uicontrolstatehighlighted];

how can implement custom knob shadow beneath it, covering end points??

look inside uislider.h, there methods let customize slider knob , track needed. (ios 2.0 , above)

// lets subclass lay out track , thumb needed - (cgrect)minimumvalueimagerectforbounds:(cgrect)bounds; - (cgrect)maximumvalueimagerectforbounds:(cgrect)bounds; - (cgrect)trackrectforbounds:(cgrect)bounds; - (cgrect)thumbrectforbounds:(cgrect)bounds trackrect:(cgrect)rect value:(float)value; 

here own example. requires math work. valueratio of current slider position (from 0 1) , adjust make shadowed custom knob nicely @ center. hope helps ;)

- (cgrect)thumbrectforbounds:(cgrect)bounds trackrect:(cgrect)rect value:(float)value {     float valueratio = ( value - self.minimumvalue ) / valuerange;     return cgrectmake(valueratio * (bounds.size.width - 26) + 3, 7, 20, 20); } 

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