yii - Double Join Select -

three tables project, users, issues.

  • project table columns: p_id,name,...
  • users table columns: u_id username...
  • issues table columns: i_id i_name...


  • project has many users - 1..*
  • project has many users - 1..*
  • project has many issues - 1..*
  • users has many issues - 1..*

what want do:

in yii framework logic: select project it's users, these users has have issues of selected project.

in tables logic: select issues of project and user.

what sql code want mimic:

select issue.i_name issue join project on issue.i_id = project.p_id join user on issue.i_id user.u_id

what want in yii:

//get project $model = project::model()->findbypk( $p_id ); //get project's users $users = $model->users; //get each of users issues of selected project foreach( $users $user )      $issues = $user->issues; 

to solve have use through in ralations method.

project model relations method should this:

public function relations()     {             return array(                 'users' => array(self::many_many, 'user', 'tbl_project_user_assignment(project_id, user_id)'),                 //'issues' => array(self::has_many, 'issue', 'project_id'),                 'issues' => array(self::has_many,'issue',array('id'=>'owner_id'),'through'=>'users'),                  'columns' => array(self::many_many, 'column', 'tbl_project_rel_column(p_id,c_id)'),             );     } 

now in action select project, it's users , users's posts(or in case issues) of selected project:

 $project = project::model()->with('users','issues')->findbypk(1);               $users = $project->users;              foreach($users $user) {                 echo $user->username."<br/>";             }              $issues = $project->issues;              foreach($issues $issue) {                 echo $issue->name."<br/>";             } 

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