tkinter - shell is not opening on running a linux executable that was created by freezeing a python script -

this happenned:

i wrote simple script:

print 'welcome' name = input('type name:')  print 'hi, %s' %name raw_input() 

i wrote on linux machine. freezed cx_freeze , ran linux executable. , nothing happenned. shell(as have happenned in windows) did not open. , confused. took following tkinter script:

from tkinter import *  root = tk()  w = label(root,text="hello") w.pack(side="top")  b = button(root,text="quit",fg = "red", bg = "black",command=quit) b.pack(side="bottom")  root.mainloop() 

i freezed script using cx_freeze , when ran executable noticed window opened , worked well.


why shell not opening in linux?

(i believe because there not shell in linux, not convinced. , if want confirm it.)


i used following file freezing both scripts:

from cx_freeze import setup, executable  setup( name = "" , \        version = "0.1" , \        description = "" , \        executables = [executable("")]) 

and used following command create build folder:

python build


linux mint 14

python 2.7

tkinter 8.5

cx_freeze 4.3.1

please me resolve issue.

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