android - Webservice in PhoneGap -

i newbie phonegap. m stuck. m unable result while calling webservice in phone gap. used both ajax , getjson method. getting result undefined, realdata variable undefined. feeling missing something. please guys.
here code....

function ondeviceready() {      console.log("device ready111111");     alert("alert device ready");      /*var jqxhr = $                 .getjson(                 '                                           reqfor=area_list&city=ahmedabad',                         function() {                              console.log("device ready111111....."+jqxhr);                             alert('success');                         }).error(function() {                     alert('error');                 });*/     $(document).ready(function () {         $.ajax({              url: "",             data: {                 "reqfor": "area_list",                 "city": "ahmedabad"             },             crossdomain: true,             contenttype: "application/json; charset=utf-8",             datatype: "json",             success: function (msg, textstatus, jqxhr) {                 alert(textstatus);                  var therealdata = msg.d;                 alert(therealdata.length)             }         });     }); 

in order view object have convert msg string.

try this:


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