xaml - XamDateTimeEditor - user should select the date from the dropdown calender only -- WPF/MVVM -

i have xamdatetimeeditor control in xaml(code given below). user able type in date or select calender dropdown. don't want xamdatetimeeditor allow users type in date through keyboard, should done dropdown using mouse.

here code in xaml -

  <igeditors:xamdatetimeeditor x:name="xamdatetimeeditorentrydate"                                      autofilldate="monthandyear"                                      isalwaysineditmode="true"                                      mask="mm/dd/yyyy"                                      text="{binding entrydate,                                                     mode=twoway,                                                     updatesourcetrigger=propertychanged,                                                     validatesondataerrors=true}" /> 

you can handle xamdatetimeeditor's previewkeydownevent , set e.handled proprty true in event handler. way user won't able enter using keyboard.

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