javascript - how to create an instance of store in controller in extjs -

i want call store of chart init() function in controller. want create instance of store of chart in controller. here code ..

ext.define('gamma.controller.controlfile', {   extend: '',   //define stores   stores: ['barcolumn', 'radarview',             'voicecallstore', 'smscallstore',             'mmscallstore', 'gprsusagestore'],   //define models    models: ['barcol', 'radar',             'voicecallmodel', 'smscallmodel',             'mmscallmodel', 'gprsusagemodel'],   //define views   views: ['barcolumnchart', 'linechart',            'radarchart', 'voicepie',            'smspie', 'mmspie', 'gprspie'],   init: function () {     this.control({});   } }); 

please 1 me..

that's easy one:

var store = this.getstore('storename');

where this controller.

see: documentation

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