ios - Static Framework Issue: +entityForName: could not locate an entity named 'APIContent' in this model -

can please me understand how fix issue ? attempting add magical record along coredata database inside static framework can use across multiple projects.

the exception following:

+entityforname: not locate entity named 'apicontent' in model.

please code being ran within model below:

(void) insertorupdate:(nsdictionary *) objectdictionary { @try { nsmanagedobjectcontext *localcontext = [nsmanagedobjectcontext mr_contextforcurrentthread];  apicontent *product;  //  check if object exists nspredicate *predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"id == %@", [objectdictionary objectforkey:@"id"]]; product = [apicontent mr_findfirstwithpredicate:predicate incontext:localcontext];  bool objectidnotfound = product == nil ? true: false;  if (objectidnotfound) {     product = [apicontent mr_createincontext:localcontext]; }  // import values nsdictionary object [product mr_importvaluesforkeyswithobject:objectdictionary];  [localcontext savetopersistentstorewithcompletion:^(bool success, nserror *error) {     if (success) {         ddlogcinfo(@"object saved successfully.");     } else {         ddlogerror(@"object not saved successfully");     } }]; } @catch (nsexception *exception) { ddlogerror(@"class: %@ function: %s @ line: %d \n exception: %@", [self class], func, line, exception); }  } 

thanks, michael

may here problem bundle? try load nsmanagedobjectmodel using method:

[magicalrecord setdefaultmodelfromclass:[self class]]; 

i got same error when implementing unit test coredata.

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