Plone: Email contents in content rule action -

i have plone site configured ploneformgen. i'm using save-data-to-content adapter create page each submission, unique number title/id. have content rules set various roles notified when submitted form transitions along workflow.

is there way include content of submitted in these emails? know ploneformgen can send content of form in initial email @ submit time, need send same information later. i'm pretty @ figuring things out, i'm no plone expert appreciated.

additional info: i'm using uwosh.pfg.d2c adapter perform pfg -> contenttype conversion, works well. content type set 'page' in settings uwosh.pfg.d2c plugin. content rules send emails various groups or roles based on state transition of resulting content, works in normal way - when transition occurs, rule executes.

effectively, have pages being generated form when user clicks submit. done through plugin in ploneformgen. may provide info: - i'm not, admittedly, of developer.

ideally, reviewers body-text of created page when form submitted: done through content rule when page added folder, sends email. page added folder when plugin in ploneformgen creates page.

when have these pages, other users can come in , review , change state of them - can other page in plone. ploneformgen should have no further use once it's been converted page. hope helps.

the bad news require programming; news won't take much. there 2 reasonable approaches solving problem:

  1. have content rule action run script handles mailing itself. can use site's mailhost send scripted mail; or,

  2. in python package (no way in through-the-web script), provide named adapter implementing plone.stringinterp.interfaces.istringsubstitution context's text attribute. give $ substitution body. require less 10 lines of total code.

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