mysql - magento enterprise_targetrule/index model not saving -

i executing code:

$model1 = mage::getmodel('enterprise_targetrule/index')->load(5511); var_dump($model1); $model2 = mage::getmodel('enterprise_targetrule/index')->     load(5511)->     setflag('0')->     save(); var_dump($model2); $model3 = mage::getmodel('enterprise_targetrule/index')->load(5511); var_dump($model3); die(); 

the outputs var_dump calls expect: $_data[flag] 1 $model1, 0 $model2 , $model3, , $_origdata[flag] 1 $model1 , $model2, , 0 $model3.

so far, looking right. however, when (immediately after running code), execute select * enterprise_targetrule_index on database, result:

mysql> select * enterprise_targetrule_index; +-----------+----------+-------------------+---------+------+ | entity_id | store_id | customer_group_id | type_id | flag | +-----------+----------+-------------------+---------+------+ |      5511 |        7 |                 0 |       1 |    1 | 


why flag not getting updated? models correct, fields correct, save , load calls succeed , return perfect results, database not updated! it's change save() doesn't written, , yet can somehow still loaded, @ least within script. going on here? special model, makes unable save?

$model2 = mage::getmodel('enterprise_targetrule/index')->load(5511);
echo $model2->getflag();

if use var_dump displays whole object..

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