c# - Is it possible to validate a String Property to see if it is a valid date using Data Annotations? -
i have string property entity. putting date value ie "01/01/2000" via form. possible validate data entered see if valid ie:
assuming uk date format below:
"32/01/2000" not valid, "31/01/2000" valid, "test" not valid
my poco ef property code looks like:
[system.componentmodel.dataannotations.datatype(system.componentmodel.dataannotations.datatype.date, errormessage = @"not valid date")] public virtual string dateofbirth
should work .... or......
you use regularexpression
annotation, that's gonna make things messy least. you're best off converting property datetime
here's how using regularexpression
(shield eyes):
[regularexpression("@(^((((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))|([1-9]))\x2f(((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))|([1-9]))\x2f(([0-9]{2})|(((19)|([2]([0]{1})))([0-9]{2}))))$)", errormessage = @"not valid date")] public virtual string dateofbirth { get; set; }