php - jQuery validation form issue -

i use following code in order know if username present in database. i'm using jquery validator, , configure script in way:

$(document).ready(function(){      // validate     //     //     //          $('#profile').validate({         rules: {           name: {             minlength: 2,             required: true           },           username: {             minlength: 2,             required: true,             remote: "../check-username.php"           }         },             highlight: function(element) {                 $(element).closest('.control-group').removeclass('success').addclass('error');             },             success: function(element) {                 element                 .text('ok!').addclass('valid')                 .closest('.control-group').removeclass('error').addclass('success');             }       });  }); 

where check-username.php defined as:

<?php   require_once('connection.php');  $check = "true";  $request = trim(strtolower($_request['username']));   mysql_select_db($dbname, $temp);   $query_username=sprintf("select * users username = '$request'");    $resultusers = mysql_query($query_username, $temp) or die(mysql_error());     $usernamefound= mysql_num_rows($resultusers);     if ($usernamefound> 0) {      $check = "false";  }    header("content-type: application/json; charset=windows-1251"); $result = $_request['username'].'('.$check.')'; echo $result;  ?> 

all works good, except recognition of existing username. maybe wrong in:

remote: "../check-username.php" 

or in php file itself.

someone can me?

edit 1:

trying @mhr code obtain this:

enter image description here

in case "user1" exists in database. good, don't want output written under input.

the documentation has shiningly absent example of response must hints @ json:

the response evaluated json , must true valid elements, , can false, undefined or null invalid elements, using default message; or string, eg. "that name taken, try peter123 instead" display error message. more examples, take marketo demo , milk demo.

my guess should return "true" if it's valid , "false" if isn;t:

$check = true;  $request = trim(strtolower($_request['username']));  mysql_select_db($dbname, $temp);   $query_username=sprintf("select * users username = '$request'");   $resultusers = mysql_query($query_username, $temp) or die(mysql_error());    $usernamefound= mysql_num_rows($resultusers);    if ($usernamefound> 0) {      $check = false;  }  header("content-type: application/json; charset=windows-1251"); if($check){   $check = "true"; }else{   $check = "user: ".$request." exist, please choose user name."; } $result = "\"".$check."\""; echo $result; 

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