php conditional operator not transient -

i having bit of trouble wrapping head around this, thought ask it..

i have code:

$x="string"; var_dump($x==0); //says true var_dump($x==true); //says true var_dump(true==0); //says false 

what understand is:

in 1, `string` gets converted number, becomes `0` condition true in 2, `string` value, condition true in 3, `true` not equal `0` condition false 

individually make sense, in sequence don't! have heard many people because conditional operator in php not transient. can explain means, , how make sense of this?

why in world wouldn't make sense? never change value of x, statements dependent on original value of x "string".

you assuming x changed 0 in first var_dump not. merely compared 0/false. statement perform variable change think happening:

var_dump(($x = 0) == 0); 


var_dump(($x = false) == 0); 

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