javascript - Resetting specific form in popup div -

i have page lists entries made user link each call function opens edit page in pop-up div.

the edit page contains form update , reset buttons whenever select reset button return form initial state nothing happens.

i've had online last couple of days try , more understanding of might causing it's javascript function called on clicking of reset button ignores document.getelementbyid(form).reset() command there no javascript error returned.

here sample of code on parent.cfm

<script language="javascript" src="functions.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0" width="850"> <form action="##" method="post" name="parentform" id="parentform">     <input type="hidden" name="formsubmitted" id="formsubmitted" value="1" />     <tr>         <td>label 1</td>         <td>                             <select name="field1" id="field1">                 <option value="1">1</option>                             <option value="2">2</option>                 <option value="3">3</option>             </select>         </td>     </tr>     <tr>         <td>label 2</td>         <td>                             <select name="field2" id="field2">                 <option value="1">1</option>                             <option value="2">2</option>                 <option value="3">3</option>             </select>         </td>     </tr>     <tr>         <td>label 3</td>         <td><input type="text" name="field3" id="field3" /></td>     </tr>     <tr>         <td>label 4</td>         <td>             <select name="field4" id="field4">                 <option value="1">1</option>                                             <option value="2">2</option>                 <option value="3">3</option>             </select>         </td>     </tr>     <tr>         <td>label 5</td>         <td><textarea name="field5" id="field5" rows="10" cols="75"></textarea></td>     </tr>     <tr>         <td><input type="button" name="resetformbtn" id="resetformbtn" onclick="resetform('parentform');" value="reset" /></td>         <td><input type="button" name="formsubmittedbtn" id="formsubmittedbtn" onclick="checkform('parentform');" value="add" /></td>     </tr> </form> </table>  <cfif qryrecords.recordcount gt 0>       <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0" width="850">     <cfloop query="qryrecords">         <tr>             <td>column name 1</td>             <td>#columnname1#</td>         </tr>         <tr>             <td>column name 2</td>             <td>#columnname2#</td>         </tr>         <tr>             <td>column name 3</td>             <td>#columnname3#</td>         </tr>         <tr>             <td>column name 4</td>             <td>#columnname4#</td>         </tr>         <tr>             <td>column name 5</td>             <td>#columnname5#</td>         </tr>         <tr>             <td colspan="2">                 <button name="editrecordbtn" onclick="openpage('childpage.cfm?recordid=#qryrecords.recordid#')">edit record</button>             </td>             <td colspan="2">                 <form action="##" name="removerecord" id="removerecord" method="post">                     <input type="hidden" name="recordid" value="#qryrecords.recordid#" />                 </form>                 <button name="removerecordbtn" onclick="document.getelementbyid('removerecord').submit();">remove record</button>             </td>         </tr>     </cfloop> </table> </cfif> 

and child.cfm opens in popup:

<script language="javascript" src="functions.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <cfoutput> <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0" width="850">     <form action="##" method="post" name="recordeditform" id="recordeditform">         <input type="hidden" name="editformsubmitted" id="editformsubmitted" value="1" />         <tr>             <td>label 1</td>             <td>                 <select name="field1" id="field1">                     <option value="1" <cfif form.field1 eq variables.field1>selected</cfif>>1</option>                               <option value="2" <cfif form.field1 eq variables.field1>selected</cfif>>2</option>                     <option value="3" <cfif form.field1 eq variables.field1>selected</cfif>>3</option>                 </select>             </td>         </tr>         <tr>             <td>label 2</td>             <td>                                 <select name="field2" id="field2">                     <option value="1" <cfif form.field2 eq variables.field2>selected</cfif>>1</option>                               <option value="2" <cfif form.field2 eq variables.field2>selected</cfif>>2</option>                     <option value="3" <cfif form.field2 eq variables.field2>selected</cfif>>3</option>                 </select>             </td>         </tr>         <tr>             <td>label 3</td>             <td><input type="text" name="field3" id="field3" value="#variables.field3#" /></td>         </tr>         <tr>             <td>label 4</td>             <td>                 <select name="field4" id="field4">                     <option value="1" <cfif form.field4 eq variables.field4>selected</cfif>>1</option>                                               <option value="2" <cfif form.field4 eq variables.field4>selected</cfif>>2</option>                     <option value="3" <cfif form.field4 eq variables.field4>selected</cfif>>3</option>                 </select>             </td>         </tr>         <tr>             <td>label 5</td>             <td><textarea name="field5" id="field5" rows="10" cols="75">#variables.field5#</textarea></td>         </tr>                    <tr>             <td colspan="2">                 <input type="button" name="resetrecordbtn" id="resetrecordbtn" onclick="resetform('recordeditform');" value="reset" />             </td>         </tr>         <tr>             <td colspan="2">                 <input type="button" name="editrecordbtn" id="editrecordbtn" onclick="checkform('recordeditform');" value="edit record" />             </td>         </tr>     </form> </table> </cfoutput> 

and 2 functions called in functions.js:

function resetform(formname) {     var form = formname;     document.getelementbyid(form).reset(); }  function openpage(source,width) {     var source = source;     var randstr = makerandstring(10);     var hasquerystring = source.indexof("?");     if (hasquerystring > 0) {         source = source + '&';     } else {         source = source + '?';     }     source = source + 'rid=' + randstr;     var align = 'center';     var top = 80;     if (width != undefined) {         var width = width;     } else {         var width = 805;     }     var padding = 20;     var disablecolor = '#666666';     var disableopacity = 40;     var backgroundcolor = '#ffffff';     var bordercolor = '#4b8bc8';     var borderweight = 2;     var borderradius = 5;     var fadeouttime = 300;     var loadingimage = '/resources/images/layout/loading2.gif';     modalpopup(align, top, width, padding, disablecolor, disableopacity, backgroundcolor, bordercolor, borderweight, borderradius, fadeouttime, source, loadingimage);   }  function modalpopup(align, top, width, padding, disablecolor, disableopacity, backgroundcolor, bordercolor, borderweight, borderradius, fadeouttime, url, loadingimage){  var containerid = "innermodalpopupdiv";  var popupdiv = document.createelement('div'); var popupmessage = document.createelement('div'); var blockdiv = document.createelement('div');  popupdiv.setattribute('id', 'outermodalpopupdiv'); popupdiv.setattribute('class', 'outermodalpopupdiv');  popupmessage.setattribute('id', 'innermodalpopupdiv'); popupmessage.setattribute('class', 'innermodalpopupdiv');  blockdiv.setattribute('id', 'blockmodalpopupdiv'); blockdiv.setattribute('class', 'blockmodalpopupdiv'); blockdiv.setattribute('onclick', 'closepopup(' + fadeouttime + ')');  document.body.appendchild(popupdiv); popupdiv.appendchild(popupmessage); document.body.appendchild(blockdiv);  if (/msie (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.useragent)){ //test msie x.x;  var ieversion=new number(regexp.$1) // capture x.x portion , store number    if(ieversion>6) {      getscrollheight(top);    } } else {   getscrollheight(top); }  document.getelementbyid('outermodalpopupdiv').style.display='block'; document.getelementbyid('outermodalpopupdiv').style.width = width + 'px'; document.getelementbyid('outermodalpopupdiv').style.padding = borderweight + 'px'; document.getelementbyid('outermodalpopupdiv').style.background = bordercolor; document.getelementbyid('outermodalpopupdiv').style.borderradius = borderradius + 'px'; document.getelementbyid('outermodalpopupdiv').style.mozborderradius = borderradius + 'px'; document.getelementbyid('outermodalpopupdiv').style.webkitborderradius = borderradius + 'px'; document.getelementbyid('outermodalpopupdiv').style.borderwidth = 0 + 'px'; document.getelementbyid('outermodalpopupdiv').style.position = 'absolute'; document.getelementbyid('outermodalpopupdiv').style.zindex = 100;  document.getelementbyid('innermodalpopupdiv').style.padding = padding + 'px'; document.getelementbyid('innermodalpopupdiv').style.background = backgroundcolor; document.getelementbyid('innermodalpopupdiv').style.borderradius = (borderradius - 3) + 'px'; document.getelementbyid('innermodalpopupdiv').style.mozborderradius = (borderradius - 3) + 'px'; document.getelementbyid('innermodalpopupdiv').style.webkitborderradius = (borderradius - 3) + 'px';  document.getelementbyid('blockmodalpopupdiv').style.width = 100 + '%'; document.getelementbyid('blockmodalpopupdiv').style.border = 0 + 'px'; document.getelementbyid('blockmodalpopupdiv').style.padding = 0 + 'px'; document.getelementbyid('blockmodalpopupdiv').style.margin = 0 + 'px'; document.getelementbyid('blockmodalpopupdiv').style.background = disablecolor; document.getelementbyid('blockmodalpopupdiv').style.opacity = (disableopacity / 100); document.getelementbyid('blockmodalpopupdiv').style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + disableopacity + ')'; document.getelementbyid('blockmodalpopupdiv').style.zindex = 99; document.getelementbyid('blockmodalpopupdiv').style.position = 'fixed'; document.getelementbyid('blockmodalpopupdiv') = 0 + 'px'; document.getelementbyid('blockmodalpopupdiv').style.left = 0 + 'px';  if(align=="center") {     document.getelementbyid('outermodalpopupdiv').style.marginleft = (-1 * (width / 2)) + 'px';     document.getelementbyid('outermodalpopupdiv').style.left = 50 + '%'; } else if(align=="left") {     document.getelementbyid('outermodalpopupdiv').style.marginleft = 0 + 'px';     document.getelementbyid('outermodalpopupdiv').style.left = 10 + 'px'; } else if(align=="right") {     document.getelementbyid('outermodalpopupdiv').style.marginright = 0 + 'px';     document.getelementbyid('outermodalpopupdiv').style.right = 10 + 'px'; } else {     document.getelementbyid('outermodalpopupdiv').style.marginleft = (-1 * (width / 2)) + 'px';     document.getelementbyid('outermodalpopupdiv').style.left = 50 + '%'; }  blockpage();  var page_request = false; if (window.xmlhttprequest) {     page_request = new xmlhttprequest(); } else if (window.activexobject) {     try {         page_request = new activexobject("msxml2.xmlhttp");     } catch (e) {         try {             page_request = new activexobject("microsoft.xmlhttp");         } catch (e) { }     } } else {     return false; }   page_request.onreadystatechange=function(){     if(( && ( && ( && ( && ( {         pageloader(page_request, containerid, loadingimage);     } else {         imageloader(url, containerid, loadingimage);     } }'get', url, true); page_request.send(null);  } 

what best method getting form reset?

use input type reset

<input type="reset" value="reset button" /> 

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