symfony - Disable some checkboxes in form -

i wondering if there easy way of how disable 1 checkbox modifying user (symfony 2.1). trying this:

     $builder->add('adminroles', 'entity',  array(             'property' => 'rolename',             'class' => 'mybundle:role',             'query_builder' => function(entityrepository $er) {                 return $er->createquerybuilder('r')                     ->orderby('r.rolename', 'asc');             },             'disabled' => $this->disabledroles,             'expanded' => true,             'multiple'  => true      )); 

by $this->disabledroles meant array of ids of role entities or entities themselves, seems accepts boolean value applied entities (checkboxes). advice :-)

you need add form listener in order customize individual elements.

it might seem lot of work it's easy enough once work through examples. end passing disabledroles listener , setting disabled flag accordingly.

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