SQL Server identity related error -

i using query in sql server 2008..

set identity_insert abc on  bulk  insert abc 'f:\test.csv' (     fieldterminator = ',',     rowterminator = '\n' ) go 

and getting error :

explicit value must specified identity column in table 'abc' either when identity_insert set on or when replication user inserting not replication identity column.

table structure 'abc' :

id [int] identity(1,1) not null,  -- primary key aa [varchar](50) null, bb [varchar](50) null, cc [datetime] null, dd [varchar](50) null, ee [varchar](50) null, ff [int] null, gg [varchar](50) null, ii [int] null, jj [int] null 

sample data csv file

84,0b0dbe1d,,2012-07-27 16:15:41.503,0b0dbe1d_16-15-18,1.0.0,2,pra,2,null 85,111de4b6,,2012-07-27 16:27:06.060,111de4b6_16-27-05,1.0.0,8,diane,5,null 

the error says, need specify column names while inserting.

i don't think have option specify column names during bulk insert. can use below alternative.

 select * dbo.stagingtable abc 1=2     go      bulk      insert stagingtable     'f:\test.csv'         (         fieldterminator = ',',         rowterminator = '\n'     )     go     set identity_insert abc on go     insert abc (column1,column2,etc)      select * stagingtable  

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