postgresql - Join multiple tables with aggregation in Squeryl -

i'm trying join card part , left join summed stock value part (some parts won't have stock row).

i have following thought work..

def stockperbase = from(stock)(s => groupby(s.base) compute(sum(s.quantity))) def allcardswithstock =      join(cards, parts, stockperbase.leftouter)((c,p,s) =>         on(c.partid ===, p.base ===           select(c, p, s.measures)) 

however following error:

too many arguments method on: (table: org.squeryl.table[a])(declarations: => seq[org.squeryl.dsl.ast.basecolumnattributeassignment])unit [error] on(c.partid ===, p.base ===   

any on how can such query apprecited.

the select clause should come before on in query. try reversing order of 2 clauses , should work.

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