javascript - Validating url with http:www as optional using regex -

i trying validate url "http:www" optional, , needs valid url using following regex not take utl3 valid 1 . how can fix ??

function checkurltest(url){             var urlregex = new regexp("^(https?:\/\/www\.)?(^(https?:\/\/www\.)[0-9a-za-z]+\.+[a-z]{2,5})");              return urlregex.test(url);         }         url3 = "";         url4 = "";          alert(checkurltest(url3)); 

working demo

solution reside here: negative lookahead: www case , should looking for. lemme know how goes!

hope fits needs :)


function checkurltest(url){      // try     var urlregex = new regexp("^(?!www | www\.)[a-za-z0-9_-]+\.+[a-za-z0-9.\/%&=\?_:;-]+$")              return urlregex.test(url);         }         url3 = "";         url4 = "";          alert('===> ' + checkurltest(url4) + '===> ' + checkurltest(url3)); 

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