Primefaces galleria - how to navigate without filmStrip -

i need have primefaces galleria without film strip @ bottom. when used showfilmstrip="false", there no way navigate manually. adding autoplay="true" not make contents move.

<p:galleria id="gal" value="#{articlecontroller.welcomes}" var="w" autoplay="true" showfilmstrip="false" >     <h:outputlabel value="#{w.sinhalatopic}" ></h:outputlabel> </p:galleria> 

is there way have gallaria without film strip @ bottom, yet enable navigate arrows on either sides? if not possible, there other similar primefaces component used instead?

.ui-galleria-filmstrip-wrapper {     display:none; } 

add upper code .css file, make strip hidden @ bottom of p:galleria.

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