javascript - Replacing the <img> src with Angular.js -

i building slideshow of header images, on click select , set header image replace old one. code far:

var app = angular.module('plunker', []);  app.controller('bannerctrl', function($scope) {      var imagecounter = 0;    $scope.nextbutton = function () {     imagecounter = imagecounter + 1;     if (imagecounter === 1) {       $scope.carouselstate = 'second-slide';     }     if (imagecounter === 2) {       $scope.carouselstate = 'third-slide';     }     if (imagecounter > 2) {       imagecounter = 0;       $scope.carouselstate = 'reset-slide';     }   };    $scope.previousbutton = function () {     imagecounter = imagecounter - 1;     if (imagecounter < 0) {       imagecounter = 2;       $scope.carouselstate = 'third-slide';     }     if (imagecounter === 1) {       $scope.carouselstate = 'second-slide';     }     if (imagecounter === 0) {       $scope.carouselstate = 'reset-slide';     }   };    $scope.setheader = function () {     if (imagecounter === 0) {       $scope.currentbannerimage = '/styles/img/banner-default1.jpg';       $scope.bannerstate = '';     }   };    $scope.currentbannerimage = [     {       src: "1.jpg"     }   ];    $scope.bannerimages = [     {       src: "2.jpg"     },     {       src: "3.jpg"     },     {       src: "4.jpg"     }   ]; }); 

i have set plunker, demonstrate on about!

please can me replace 'currentbannerimage' 1 of other 'bannerimages'?



you can use angularjs ui bootstrap implementing carousel angularjs (if interest strictly in solution).


i'm not sure if that's wanted, maybe helpful:

<img ng-src="{{availableimages[currentimage].src}}"/> 


$scope.currentimage = 0; $scope.availableimages = [ {   src: "" }, {   src: "" }, {   src: "" } ];  $scope.nextbutton = function() {   $scope.currentimage++;   if ($scope.currentimage > ($scope.availableimages.length - 1)) {     $scope.currentimage = 0;   } } $scope.prevbutton = function() {   $scope.currentimage--;   if ($scope.currentimage < 0) {     $scope.currentimage = ($scope.availableimages.length - 1);   } }  

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