html - Extracting from webpage using vbs and writing into excel -

i'm pretty new vbs need extract property information web pages , input information excel. i'm trying object information links, text fields, buttons, images etc. information need .name, .id, .title, .value, .type, .class each item on page , display each item ie: google search page search box .id: lst-ib, .name: q .title: search .type: text google button .name: btnk .type: submit .value: google search etc etc. extremely helpful!

i advise language such purpose, eg ruby @ , natural upstep vbscripters. said, here way how in vbscript..

set ie = wscript.createobject("internetexplorer.application", "ie_") ie   .menubar = 0   .toolbar = 0   .statusbar = 0   .visible = 1   .navigate "" end while ie.busy   wscript.sleep 400 wend  'html = ie.document.all.tags("html").item(0).outerhtml wscript.echo ie.document.getelementsbytagname("font").item(0).innertext  wscript.echo "innertext:" & ie.document.all.tags("title").item(0).innertext wscript.echo "innerhtml:" & ie.document.all.tags("title").item(0).innerhtml wscript.echo "outerhtml:" & ie.document.all.tags("title").item(0).outerhtml ie.quit  'gives ' aangeboden in: français deutsch english 'innertext:google 'innerhtml:google 'outerhtml:<title>google</title> 

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