xml:space in resource file of c# winform -

i have windows form application in have resource file(.resx)here write error messages below

 <data name="link_name" xml:space="preserve">     <value>the link name must not blank , not greater 255 symbols.</value>   </data> 

here understood name name of resource needs accessed , value value of resource did not xml:space="preserve" ? have 1 more option there default

xml:space="preserve" makes whitespaces @ begin of tag not removed. (and if place more 1 whitespace together)


<data name="link_name" xml:space="preserve">    <value>      link name must not blank , not greater 255 symbols.</value> </data> 

now value be:

"      link name must not blank , not greater 255 symbols." 

if xml:space not set:

<data name="link_name">    <value>      link name must not blank , not greater 255 symbols.</value> </data> 

the value be:

"the link name must not blank , not greater 255 symbols." 

so xml:space="preserve" preserves whtespaces @ begin of tag.

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