UIwebview open document (pdf) in other app -

hello everyone, trying open pdf file in uiwebview other app. can display popup this.

screen http://i33.tinypic.com/axv1i.jpg

i write code this. put delegate also. uidocumentinteractioncontrollerdelegate

-(void)webviewdidfinishload:(uiwebview *)webview {   //other code  if([filetype isequaltostring:@"pdf"])  {      nslog(@"it pdf file.");      //other code save nsdocumentdirectory , path      // file://localhost/var/mobile/applications/024d40ff-4518-4526-beab-   2a0679fd6308/documents/iphone_user_guide.pdf            nsurl *pdfurl = [nsurl fileurlwithpath:pathtodownloadto];          uidocumentinteractioncontroller *doccontroller = [uidocumentinteractioncontroller interactioncontrollerwithurl:pdfurl];           [doccontroller setdelegate:self];           [doccontroller presentopeninmenufromrect:cgrectzero inview:self.view animated:yes];   } }  - (uiviewcontroller *) documentinteractioncontrollerviewcontrollerforpreview: (uidocumentinteractioncontroller *) controller {     return self; } 

i got error. void senddelegatemessage(nsinvocation *): delegate (webview:didfinishloadforframe:) failed return after waiting 10 seconds. main run loop mode: kcfrunloopdefaultmode

in link, due javascript. need use this. stringbyevaluatingjavascriptfromstring

but have disabled function , tested. then, there no error app crashes.

i know if there left transfer document. also, know how add uibarbutton "open in ibook or sth" in uiwebview programmatically code in safari when open pdf file.

with regards,

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