arrays - Dequeueing an class and individual values c# -
this follow yesterday's question have 2 queue, contain 5 elements each called player 1 , player 2. queued using following
chuck cards class has several different data members including 6 ints , 1 string. wish dequeue 1 item give values labels (multipul 1 per data member) , string picture box (i don't need that). know how values dequeue. able re queue on other players queue. might use peak operation values if outcome successful move off end of queue 1 , onto queue 2.
hope that's clear.
any appreciated. have searched around found no real answer yet.
queue<foo> firstqueue = new queue<foo>(); queue<foo> secondqueue = new queue<foo>(); //todo populate var item = firstqueue.dequeue(); item.dostuff(); secondqueue.enqueue(item);