objective c - Parse.com get the username if its facebook or a parse user -

to current username use: nsstring *username = [[pfuser currentuser] username]; problem if user logged fb string 'u55yceub4z2yzrezbdfpyx3bl' , not real username.

i know can with:

fbrequest *request = [fbrequest requestforme]; [request startwithcompletionhandler:^(fbrequestconnection *connection, id result, nserror *error) { if (!error) {     nsdictionary *userdata = (nsdictionary *)result;     nsstring *username = userdata[@"name"]; }}]; 

but question is, there way username forgetting user logged parse or facebook? if negative, how can know user logged via facebook proper username ?

use pffacebookutils - islinkedwithuser:

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