c# - Why does the Name Property of FileInfo object start with "~$"? -

so i'm writing code going through directory of .xlsx files , picking file created last. it's simple task, there bit strange happening name property of particular fileinfo object , potentially there more cases of occurring.

here code:

        directoryinfo di = new directoryinfo(folderpath);         fileinfo[] filearray = di.getfiles("*.xlsx", searchoption.alldirectories);         if (filearray.count() != 0)          {             datetime latestdate = datetime.minvalue;             string filename = string.empty;             foreach (fileinfo file in filearray)             {                 if (file.creationtime > latestdate)                 {                     latestdate = file.creationtime;                     filename = file.fullname;                   }             }         } 

the filename important because use query latest file information , display it. however, name property of particular .xlsx file (potentially more) appearing ~$file.xlsx when in fact file name file.xlsx. causes fullname property contain these characters well.

is there way fix this? triggers this?

opening xlsx file results in excel creating hidden file same name preceded "~$". if 1 of these excel files open @ time retrieve content of directory, temp file.

add filter excludes hidden files , issue fixed.


fileattributes attributes = file.getattributes(path);  if((attributes & fileattributes.hidden) == fileattributes.hidden) {     // hidden file, skip } 

from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.file.getattributes.aspx

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