c# - How do i get dynamic properties using EPIServer webservice -

i'm trying dynamic property using episerver webservice. thing see can create new properties using

pagestoreservice.rawproperty dynproperty = new pagestoreservice.rawproperty(); dynproperty.isdynamicproperty = true; 

but have no clue how property. question this. proper way

dynamicproperty dynproperty = dynamicproperty.load(therootnode, "mydynamicprop"); 

using episerver webservice? in advance!

very similar this question. roll own service obtain information

[webservice(namespace=http://yournamespace/")] public class pagereferenceservice : system.web.services.webservice {      [webmethod()]     public pagereference getdynamicproperty(pagereference rootnode, string propertyname)     {         return dynamicproperty.load(rootnode, propertyname);     }   } 


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