xml - Ignore child nodes in XSLT template using mode -

i'm transforming xml document html file online display (as electronic book).

each chapter in xml file contained within <div> , has heading (<head>). need display each heading twice - once part of table of contents @ start, second time @ top of each chapter. i've used mode="toc" within <xsl:template> this.

my problem few of <head> headings have child element <note>, contain editorial footnotes. need these <note> tags processed when headings appear @ top of chapters, don't want them show in table of contents (i.e. when mode="toc".

my question how tell stylesheet process <head> elements table of contents, ignore child elements (should occur)?

here's example heading without note, displays fine in table of contents mode:

<div xml:id="d1.c1" type="chapter">   <head>pursuit of pleasure. limits set virtue—   asceticism vice</head>   <p>contents of chapter 1 go here</p> </div> 

and here's 1 note, want stripped out when generating table of contents:

<div xml:id="d1.c6" type="chapter">   <head>happiness , virtue, how diminished asceticism in indirect   way.—useful , genuine obligations elbowed out spurious ones<note   xml:id="d1.c6fn1" type="editor">in text, author has noted @    point: 'these topics must have been handled elsewhere: perhaps gone through    with. yet follows may serve introduction.'</note></head>   <p>contents of chapter 6 go here</p> </div> 

my xsl looks this:

<xsl:template match="tei:head" mode="toc">     <xsl:if test="../@type = 'chapter'">         <h3><a href="#{../@xml:id}"><xsl:apply-templates/></a></h3>     </xsl:if> </xsl:template> 

i've tried adding new blank template match in toc mode note, no avail. example:

<xsl:template match="tei:note" mode="toc"/> 

i've tried tei:head/tei:note , \\tei:head\tei:note

in template matches whole document (/), use following display table of contents:

<xsl:apply-templates select="//tei:head" mode="toc"/> 

i've tried adding following, no avail:

<xsl:apply-templates select="//tei:head/tei:note[@type = 'editorial']" mode="toc"/> 

any appreciated!

p.s. first ever post on se, if have missed out important details please let me know , i'll clarify. thanks.

you typically need pass mode along when doing toc-specific processing:

<xsl:template match="tei:head" mode="toc" /> <xsl:template match="tei:head[../@type = 'chapter']" mode="toc">   <h3><a href="#{../@xml:id}"><xsl:apply-templates mode="toc" /></a></h3> </xsl:template> 

note mode attribute on xsl:apply-templates. if that, template tei:note should obeyed.

if you're using identity template, mean need 1 toc mode.

alternatively, if don't need mode-specific processing once you've reached tei:head, can this:

<xsl:template match="tei:head" mode="toc" /> <xsl:template match="tei:head[../@type = 'chapter']" mode="toc">   <h3><a href="#{../@xml:id}">     <xsl:apply-templates select="node()[not(self::tei:note)]" />   </a></h3> </xsl:template> 

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