Round float values accurately with output required decimal point in Objective-C -

how round float value 1.449567 accurately.

the output value should required decimal point floate value.

output should this:

for 1 decimal point  **f=1.5** 2 decimal point  **f=1.45** 3 decimal point  **f=1.450** 4 decimal point  **f=1.4496** 

i'd recommend looking using nsnumberformatter.


float roundedvalue =1.45999f; nsnumberformatter *formatter = [[nsnumberformatter alloc] init]; [formatter setmaximumfractiondigits:1]; [formatter setroundingmode: nsnumberformatterrounddown];  nsstring *numberstring = [formatter stringfromnumber:[nsnumber numberwithfloat:roundedvalue]]; 

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