c++ - QProcess - Unable to start program - No such file or directory -

i trying start program (tftp) qprocess. no matter how start it, won't run. have tried add absolute path, call inside cmd shell, system can't find it. on windows 8, using qt 4.8

qstring command("c:\\windows\\system32\\tftp.exe"); qprocess* downloadprocess = new qprocess(this); downloadprocess->setworkingdirectory("c:\\windows\\system32"); downloadprocess->setreadchannelmode(qprocess::mergedchannels); connect(downloadprocess, signal(finished(int,qprocess::exitstatus)),         this, slot(ondownloadfinished(int,qprocess::exitstatus))); connect(downloadprocess, signal(error(qprocess::processerror)),         this, slot(onprocesserror(qprocess::processerror))); connect(downloadprocess, signal(started()),         this, slot(onprocessstart())); downloadprocess->start(command); 

result: "process failed start: no such file or directory

could due execution privilege or else? (howeve tftp runs in shell)

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