perl - Apache server preprocessing POSTed FORM data -

i want display progress bar showing live status of file upload. had solution involved perl reading stdin , me ajaxing file every second or , worked fine, hosting providers seem have changed , doesn't work anymore.

what appears happening form submits data in entirety , runs script. data being uploaded first , script processes it. on big uploads page seems hang 40 seconds , "uploads" data 40 seconds, while processes data upload (during second phase progress bar works, know perl scripts running)

but... if set target of form file doesn't exist, still takes 40 seconds before comes 404, implies first thing apache accept upload?

i'm programmer more sysadmin type , advice or comments appreciated.

if had guess, sounds provider set reverse-proxy in front of perl web application. lightweight proxy handles file upload in entirety before passing request onto application in order keep resource-intensive processes waiting on network traffic.

if that's case, there's nothing can correct problem; you'll have contact hosting provider ask if there's work-around.

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