java - PrintWriter vs FileWriter in the following context -

this question has answer here:

what if in next bit of code going substitute (new filewriter (new printwriter

pw = new printwriter(new bufferedwriter(new filewriter  ("xanaduindeed.txt")));  pw = new printwriter(new bufferedwriter(new printwriter ("xanaduindeed.txt"))); 

both of them work fine, know of 2 optimize memory usage. (if either of 2 better) in advance.

in oracle's jvm:

public printwriter(string filename) throws filenotfoundexception {     this(new bufferedwriter(new outputstreamwriter(new fileoutputstream(filename))),          false); } 

printwriter's notable characteristic flush output on every newline (lf or cr or crlf). lowest memory footprint bare filewriter, buffering gives notable improvement in i/o performance.

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