ios - Is it possible to customize swiping gesture recognition that triggers UIScrollView scroll? -

i've created custom subclass uiscrollview , implemented touchesbegan, touchesmoved, touchesended , touchescancelled methods.

however i'm not satisfied how things work. particularly, when mentioned methods getting called , when uiscrollview decide scroll(drag).

uiscrollview scrolls if difference between first touch point , last touch point little in vertical direction. can swipe horizontally , uiscrollview going scroll or down depending on small difference.(which fine in normal use cases)

default uiscrollview behavior

both of these swipes cause uiscrollview scroll downwards.

however i'm interested possible adjust somehow, behaves this:

desired behavior

basically near horizontal swiping gets picked touchesbegan , related methods , not initiate scroll. green swiping direction still initiate scrolling...


i forgot mention, touchesbegan , relatives called if hold finger short period of time on screen , move around. not classical swiping gesture...

ivan, think trying same effect facebook page is, , drag scrollview , letting scrollview follow finger, if correct, suggest forget touches events, , start uipangesture , best in these cases, inside delegate calls gesture, put following code it:

    //the sender view, in case scollview     uiscrollview* scr = (uiscrollview*)sender.view;     //disable scrolling flag sake of user experience     [scr setscrollenabled:false];      //get current translation point of scrollview in respect main view     cgpoint translation = [sender translationinview:self.view];      //set view center new translation point      float translationpoint = + translation.x; = cgpointmake(translationpoint,;     [sender settranslation:cgpointmake(0, 0) inview:self.view]; 

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