svg - How can I get numeric values instead of Logarthmic values in D3 axis scale? -

i tried following code,

d3.scale.log().domain([1,4]).range([h, 0]); 

in axis i'm getting values 1e+0, 2e+0, 3e+0, 4e+0 in axis value. need lograthmic values such 10, 100, 1000, 10000 ..etc....

use log.scale's tickformat in conjunction axis tickformat function.

eg. set 1 -> 10000 log scale:

var s = d3.scale.log().domain([1, 10000]).range([1000, 0]) 

then, set axis:

var axis = d3.svg.axis().scale(s).tickformat(function (d) {         return s.tickformat(4,d3.format(",d"))(d) }) 


we want 4 ticks - 1 each power of 10 - , formatted comma digit.

learn more formatting here:

learn more log scales here:

and axis:

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