c++ - C2106 Error in Simple Math Program -

#include <tchar.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std;  int main() {     int = (1024^3)-(639^3)-(385^3);     short max = 0;     cout<< " prints 0 if no answer." << endl;      for(int iii = 100; iii < 1000; iii++)     {         if(a % iii = 0)         {             max = iii;         }     }     cout<< " " << max;      cin.clear(); cin.ignore(); cin.get();     return 0; } 

just trying write simple program don't have calculate , compiler returns c2106 error line 14.

if (a % iii = 0) 

this invalid assignment. if meant compare, use comparison operator ==.

if (a % iii == 0) 

moreover, exponentiation not done ^ in c++. bitwise xor operator. exponentation, use std::pow <cmath> header.

#include <cmath>  int main() {     int = std::pow(1024, 3) - std::pow(639, 3) - std::pow(385, 3); } 

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