c# - Attitude.RotationMatrix vs. Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll() -

shouldn't rotationmatrix returned motion sensor equal matrix created using yaw, pitch , roll values same motion reading?

having following code:

motionreading mr = motion.currentvalue; matrix m1 = mr.attitude.rotationmatrix; var yaw = mr.attitude.yaw; var pitch = mr.attitude.pitch; var roll = mr.attitude.roll; matrix m2 = matrix.createfromyawpitchroll(yaw, pitch, roll); 

shouldn't m1 , m2 equal? missing there?

how rotationmatrix calculated?
if rotating model on more 1 axis, can occur problem first rotation rotates other 2 axis, , maybe that's why createfromyawpitchroll gives matrix different rotationmatrix.
suggest use createformyawpitchroll, or can try using quaternions.

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