how to know that user accept oauth permission in youtube api v2 in android -

i want use youtube api v2 in android, following when open url in webview, ask access application. how know if user accept it, because after accepting webview redirect page can success code=4/fsgko348949

i think tutorial can useful:

this tutorial shows how detect if user selects “allow access” using listener:

package com.blundell.youtubesignin.oauth;  /**  * class checks paramater's our redirect url has informing our listener  * passes auth code if access granted.  *  * google documentation:  * if user granted access application,  * google have appended code parameter redirect_uri.  * value temporary authorization code can exchange access token.  * example : http://localhost/oauth2callback?code=4/ux5gnj-_miu4dod_gnzdjx9etoff  *  * if user refused grant access application,  * google have included access_denied error message in hash fragment of redirect_uri.  * example : http://localhost/oauth2callback#error=access_denied  *  * @author paul.blundell  *  */ public class paramchecker implements onoauthcallbacklistener {      private final onoauthlistener onoauth;      public paramchecker(onoauthlistener onoauth) {         this.onoauth = onoauth;     }      @override     public void onoauthcallback(string params) {         if(params.contains("access_denied")){             // user said no             onoauth.onrefused();         } else {             // user auth'd             string authcode = extractauthcode(params);             onoauth.onauthorized(authcode);         }     }      private static string extractauthcode(string params) {         return params.substring(constants.auth_code_param.length()+1);     }  } 

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