automation - How to get data out of citrix -

here's want able do:

run program on local computer logs in citrix server (using citrix receiver or doing in similar way), on server in citrix session open web browser, load website, , bring html of site out of citrix session , onto local computer. bascially want data out of citrix remote session.

how can programmatically?

i'm fine whatever programming language/modality comfortable in answering question using.

i've looked little citrix apis while find things logging in , sending keystrokes , mouse clicks found nothing obtaining data. log in , use program wireshark information, i'm guessing it's encrypted (plus wouldn't doing task programmatically). know of @ least 1 open source program seems able replace citrix reciever/client ( before got digging through source code try answer question thought i'd ask here in case had easier answer.

if want automate task, having program act citrix client necessary?

i assume don't have install privileges inside citrix session, unable install 1 of many automation tools available (such

given above...

if have/allow java on local machine, have @

the main difference between , other automation tools i've come across sikuli uses image on screen navigate gui, rather grabbing calls widgets (which wont work in citrix session).

so, assuming can take screenshot of citrix session, useful you.

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