How to exclude some of the folders while creating zip file through maven -

<assembly xmlns=""      xmlns:xsi=""     xsi:schemalocation="">     <id>bin</id>     <basedirectory>/</basedirectory>     <formats>       <format>zip</format>     </formats>     <filesets>       <fileset>          <directory>src/main</directory>          <outputdirectory>/</outputdirectory>          <excludes>             <exclude>src/main/dml</exclude>          </excludes>       </fileset>     </filesets>     </assembly> 

this assemble.xml , src/main contains several folders, want exclude folders src/main/dml not excluding folder.

try excludes:

  <excludes>             <exclude>src/main/dml/**</exclude>   </excludes> 

to match of contents of folder , subfolders

update: oh i'm sorry, excludes relative directory, want

  <excludes>             <exclude>dml/**</exclude>   </excludes> 

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